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Ergebnisse 4

In cattery Amavi PL were born new kittens, after great combination IC IT Laguna Syberiana Griliash Agripovic and CH Dalia Aldomara PL Fainche - female n 24 - observation/available Fadeyushka -
22457 Wroclaw
In Cattery Amavi PL is planned in February F litter after great parents CH IT Laguna Syberiana Griliash Agripovic and CH Dalia Aldomara PL. Show sucess, health examinations, pedigree and gallery
53783 Wroclaw
Rund 11 August werden wir einen neuen Wurf in unserem Zucht Amavi PL. Gute Eltern und sehr interessante Kombination Mutter Etienne Amavi PL, black golden spotted tabby berühmt ahnen GIC
20259 Wroclaw
We have new kittens 2 female n 24 and 2 male ns 24 . Litter are from exceptional mating. They parents are our Dalia GIC Car. Mother Dalia comes from Krasnoyarsk, her ancestors are famous
39240 Wroclaw
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